Many of us have visions for our life. It could be as simple as seeing yourself married one day, or it could be a bit more complex like owning and building your own business. Maybe you see yourself helping the poor and needy. Or you may want to build a home for the homeless.
Or sing on American Idol.
Or possibly travel the world.
There are many things we can see or imagine.
A vision is something you see and wish for. It’s a “good thing”. Fulfilling a vision is seeing it accomplished. This is a “God thing”.
Don’t Let Your Vision Die
God created all of us with this great ability to dream and see visions. We all have the ability to imagine a better tomorrow. Without visionaries, most of the amazing parts of our world today wouldn’t exist.
Imagine what the world would look like if people always let their visions die. How sad it would be. We would never have advanced in technology, communication, art, science, philanthropic work and so much more!
The sad truth, however, is most people live their whole lives seeing visions but never enjoy the fulfillment of them. They keep it inside, afraid to pursue it. We let fear of failing, self-doubt, and the overwhelming obstacles keep us from seeing visions come true. Don’t allow life to pass you by without the satisfaction of the fulfillment of your vision.
I’ve had a few visions in my lifetime. Some I thought were impossible and others were more likely to be accomplished.
An example of one of my visions came after Jonas and I were married. We had the vision to have a church in the Lancaster County area where we lived at the time. We were in our early twenties and both grew up in the Amish culture. We knew nothing about building churches but we had a vision. In about two years, we were sitting in the church we helped establish and build. The excitement and growth of the church were way beyond anything we had envisioned!
God Visions Most Always Seem Impossible
A God vision almost always seem impossible, but always brings about results that go far beyond your own vision. When you have a God vision and experience the fulfillment of it, you will always look back and say, “Now that was a God thing, how did that happen?”
The vision we had in our early twenties is still alive and well. The church is still thriving under incredible leadership. It’s still located on a piece of property my dad gave us to build the church.
A New Vision
Today, I have a new vision. I’ve learned and lived the incredible power of confession. I’ve experienced the incredible benefits it brings and I have the vision to see women all over the world break their silence by sharing their stories. Broken Silence has been a God-vision. I believe it is bigger than I will ever know but I’m willing to allowing God to move and help us see the fulfillment of this vision.
It is God who gives visions and God who fulfills visions. All he asks for is your imagination and a willing heart.
What vision do you have deep inside of you that you need to get out?