We’ve been cooking up something special.

Anne’s brand new cookbook, Come to the Table, is available April 19th! Enjoy recipes from her Amish upbringing in and some favorite dishes from friends and family.

What Causes People To Go Silent

What Causes People To Go Silent

How do you know your voice is silenced? What causes people to go silent? Think about the environment in your home? Was it safe, kind, and conducive to talk things over, or was it loud, angry, and chaotic? Were you heard or told to shut up? There’s a long list of...
Understanding the Power of Silence

Understanding the Power of Silence

When I think of silence, I think of snow falling outside. This image perfectly describes the feeling of silence. There is something so peaceful about these moments. Everything seems so calm, and a hush falls over the area. Watching it snow always makes me stand in...
Can You Forgive Someone That Hurt You

Can You Forgive Someone That Hurt You

It may come as a surprise to you, but most times, I don’t feel like forgiving. There have been a few horrible hurts, like the abuse inflicted on my children, that I’ve experienced, and I believed they were not forgivable.  I agonized over what was taught...
Learning To Grow After Loss

Learning To Grow After Loss

For everything, there is a season. A time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:3-4). A time to tear down and a time build. A time to weep and a time to laugh. I might add, there is a time to lose and a time to gain. I’ve lived long enough to know that’s also...
How To Leave a Legacy of Giving

How To Leave a Legacy of Giving

Christmas is the time of the year when giving is on everyone’s mind, but it’s also a time that consumerism is at an all-time high. Everywhere we turn, someone is telling us how important their product is. The pressure to buy is real! TV and internet ads,...

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